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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Chimombe, Mpofu remanded in custody pending bail hearing

Story by Fungai Jachi, Courts Reporter

BUSINESSMEN Moses Mpofu and Mike Chimombe, who are charged with fraud involving more than US$7 million meant for the Presidential Goat Pass-On Scheme, will spend the night in custody after the state successfully applied that their bail application be set for tomorrow.

The State, led by Mr Anesu Chirenje, successfully applied for postponement of the duo’s bail hearing to this Thursday arguing that they wanted to ascertain whether the pair had attended court on their own or were in the hands of the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC).

The State also said it wanted to go through documentary evidence before mounting an application opposing the granting of the two’s bail.

Prosecution also told the court that the state intends to lead evidence from two investigating officers from ZACC in its application opposing the granting bail of the duo.

Mpofu and Chimombe, through their lawyers, Mr Tapson Dzvetero and Mr Arshiel Mugiya, opposed the postponement, saying issues of bail should not arise as they were coming from home.

Harare Regional Magistrate, Mrs Marehwanazvo Gofa upheld the State’s application and postponed the matter to this Thursday.

Chimombe and Mpofu have been charged with fraud after they allegedly received US$7 million to deliver goats under the Presidential Goat Pass-on Scheme, but failed to fulfill their contractual obligations.

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