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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Julian Assange flying back to Australia after leaving US court a free man

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has walked free from a US court after pleading guilty in a deal to end a years-long legal battle.

He faces no further prison time and is returning to Australia, following the hearing in the Northern Mariana Islands, a US territory.

Wikileaks will hold a news conference in Canberra at 21:15 local time (12:15 BST; 11:15 GMT).

Assange was pursued by US prosecutors for leaking vast amounts of military information and feared a long sentence in a high-security prison.

Last week, he signed a deal with the US that would see him plead guilty to one charge, instead of the 18 he was originally facing.

Assange left the UK on Monday after spending five years in prison fighting extradition to the US.


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