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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Warriors gear up for Comoros test at the 2024 COSAFA Cup

Story Lawrence Trusida, Sports Reporter

THE 2024 COSAFA Cup kicked off in South Africa this Wednesday with Eswatini and Botswana playing out to a goalless draw.

The two Southern Africa minnows kicked off the 2024 COSAFA Cup tournament with a goalless draw just like they did last year.

Elsewhere, the Warriors kick off their campaign this Thursday with a date against Comoros at the Nelson Mandela Bay stadium.

Zimbabwe arrived in South Africa on Tuesday before conducting their training session this Wednesday.

The Warriors are the second most successful team at the tournament with six trophies one behind Group B opponents, Zambia.

Rookie goalkeeper Marley Tavaziva who plays for Brentford’s developmental side is relishing the chance to don the national team colours.

“It is a good atmosphere the guys are determined to give their all and I am relishing the chance to challenge for the number one jersey and get to be the top goalie for the country,” he said.

Meanwhile, changes continue in the Warriors camp with two new players having been added to the team that is in South Africa.

Goalkeeper Simba Chinani of Simba Bhora, replaced Manica Diamonds’ third-choice goalminder Joseph Kaunda while Farai Banda came in for his Manica Diamonds teammate, Tawanda Chisi.

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