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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Mash Central companies look forward to SADC industrialisation week

Story by Tapiwa Machemedze

MANUFACTURING companies based in Mashonaland Central province have made significant strides in contributing to the industrialisation of the country and are looking forward to improved regional integration and cooperation when Zimbabwe hosts the SADC Industrialisation Week from 28 July to 2 August.

FSG manager, Mr Steve Morland says the company has benefited immensely from regional integration as part of a group with operations in Malawi, Zambia and Mozambique.

“The company started back in 2010 with just a handful of people, now we have 220 people and at least 200 other seasonal people. Our capacity we can do 350 000 tonnes per year, but based on demand we are doing about 120 000 tonnes per year. We have operations in Maputo, Beira and Nacala and it helps us bring our vessels into those ports where we have our people in the ports which are part of the SADC community,” he said.

Chillmund Chemicals, which is in the aluminium sulphate production industry, began operations last year.

For the firm, regional expansion efforts will be a key highlight of the SADC Industrialisation Week.

“We are so excited as a company to participate during the SADC industrial week. We are looking forward to cross-pollinating with other players in the regions. The next phase we are looking forward to as a company is the export market. Our production is far exceeding demand,” said Chillmund Chemicals manager, Mr Nicholas Bhero.

The government is upbeat manufacturing companies in Mashonaland Central have become an important cog in turning the wheels of the provincial industry.

“As a province, we are very happy considering they also add up to our GDP, this investment is US$6 million. We are seeing this vast industry being located in Mashonaland Central and it’s a big industry,” said the Mashonaland Central Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Honourable Christopher Magomo.

Rail infrastructure is a missing link with companies calling for a more efficient rail service to reduce the cost of moving goods in the SADC region ahead of the SADC industrialisation week.

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