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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Madam Boss to attend BET awards

Story by Patience Nyagato, Arts Reporter

Socialite and Comedienne, Madam Boss is riding high following her invitation to attend the acclaimed 2024 edition of the BET Awards set for the Peacock Theatre in Los Angeles, United States of America.

Born Tarisai Chikocho, Madam Boss continues to open new doors with her invitation to represent the country at the prestigious BET Awards ceremony set for the United States of America on the 30th of this month being a step in the right direction.

The comedian, who is among the renowned global creatives set to attend, is in high spirits and has commended her fans for their support.

“I am thrilled to be the first and only Zimbabwean, in my category to be invited to the BET. I’m overwhelmed and happy and would like to thank my management, family, fans and everyone who has supported my career since day one,” she said.

Among some of the highlights of the event as announced by the event organisers include Will Smith’s performance of a new song at the show set to be hosted by renowned actress, Taraji Henson.

Madam Boss’ invitation is a positive development for the country’s creative sector.

Music and arts expert, Plot Mhako said, “The invitation of Madam Boss to the BET Awards in the States reaffirms that Zimbabwe is flying on the radar. The international community is noticing the efforts and the work that is being put in by Zimbabwean artists and content creators. I think it’s a confirmation that we’re actually moving in the right path. I foresee in the future more people getting invited and I applaud anyone who worked behind the scenes to make that possible because it’s not an easy achievement to get invited for the BET Awards.

“They took a lot of time to see who they would invite to the event, and I think in the future, we are going to see a lot of Zimbabweans being invited. It’s not the first time that she is making on the international space, she continues to open new doors and makes it possible for anyone who ever dares to dream and follow their vision to make it because she built her own dream from passion, from her own desire and now she’s flying the flag.”

Madam Boss won the E! African Social Star award in 2021 in the People’s Choice category.

The award-winning comedian was also invited to represent the country at the premiere of Netflix’s Bridgerton season three in South Africa a month ago.

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