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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Fourth edition of spinning and drifting contest set for Bulawayo

Story by Mthokozisi Dube

ANTICIPATION is high in Bulawayo ahead of the hosting of the fourth edition of the ZKS spinning and drifting contest that will see regional champions grace the country this Saturday.

The newly-constructed ZKS Spinning Arena will host local and regional spinners during the fourth edition of the burn out tournament.

Local spinners are raring to go in a challenge which has seen sponsors chipping in with a huge sponsorship package.

“We are happy the fourth edition is coming. We have been making some preparations and we are happy there is prize money. I am motivated to win the prize money,” said a local spinner.

Another said, “For me, it’s not about the money, but racing with regional spinners. Getting to know the new skills is what I look forward to.”

The sponsors have committed to making it a big day for participants and the fans.

“We are a local organisation which has been involved with these spinners during their construction of the arena. We saw it fit to assist them as they aim to allow local youths to nurture talent. It’s a first partnership that we have rolled out where we will award the top three with prize money,” said Enock Construction’s spokesperson, Bonakaliso Mlotshwa.

Spinners from Zambia and Botswana have confirmed their participation in the event which is expected to ignite the Bulawayo community following a successful race at the beginning of the year.

The ZKS Spinning Arena was constructed by Zekhethelo Mlilo as part of efforts to spread the sport to Bulawayo as it was concentrated in Harare.

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