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Saturday, June 29, 2024

Dinson Colliery eyes expansion

Story by Mhlomuli Ncube

THE country’s biggest coke producer, Dinson Colliery, which has invested over US$120 million since commencing production in 2019, is eyeing more expansion projects to increase output further.

Since its inception in 2019, Dinson Colliery has rolled out three phases of coke production which are raking in 30,000 tonnes of coking coal per month.

The firm is currently building its phase 4 plant which is expected to increase total output to over 50 000 tonnes per month.

“Phase 4 should be complete and running by August. Our coke serves our local Dinson plant in Manhize and we also export to Zambia, DRC and South Africa. We hope to continue increasing output when we complete this latest expansion project but it is not the end as we are also working on phases 5 and 6 by next year,,” said Dinson Colliery Human Resources Manager, Mr Tanaka Mugoti.

The Hwange community and surrounding areas are also benefiting from such mega investments through employment creation and the construction of social services infrastructure.

“These companies which came here at the invitation of President Mnangagwa have lifted our communities also. They are directly employing thousands of our people, paying taxes to the government, and funding a lot of CSR projects such as clinics and schools. Even the local leadership is pleased with how they impact people’s lives,” noted Matebela North Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Hon Richard Moyo.

The government’s opening up of the coal mining industry has brought in new players that are also investing heavily in value addition and power generation.

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