17.1 C
Saturday, June 29, 2024

Chipinge-based prison officer releases debut gospel album

Story by Tamuka Charakupa

Guarding prison walls and interacting with inmates has inspired a Chipinge-based prison officer Solomon Sigauke to explore his musical talent.

It is no coincidence that his debut album titled “Tendai Mwari” is a gospel album after the success of his single track, ‘Pandatsika Ndatora’.

Sigaukee’s inspiration comes from sharing and interacting with inmates hence the belief that music can be a powerful tool in transforming the world.

“I am a prison officer at Chipinge Prison. I have heard countless stories from inmates about what led them to commit crimes and the challenges they faced at home or work. These testimonies pushed me to think of composing songs that entertain and educate. Music can bridge that communication gap,” he said.

Sigauke is not done yet and his vision is to nurture talent within the prison walls.

“Part of our rehabilitation exercises at work involves identifying and nurturing talents. While I still need time to grow in the industry, I am also involved in grooming musicians at the prison such that they can integrate well when they get back into the communities they came from,” said Sigauke.

His exploits come when community radio stations have given budding musicians a platform to showcase their talent.

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